Meet Plantfully Megan
How I Healed It by Plantfully Megan It was less than a year after my 4th surgery for stage 4 endometriosis and the pain was back and worse than ever. I was in the bathtub loosing my mind to the blinding pain that ripped through my body. My only chance to actually heal this thing was not going to be with doctors or meds, since 10 years of that had left me in a worse state than when I started. It would have to be an alternative way of finding healing. The thing that has kept me going on my healing journey has been listening to those who have healed the 'unhealable' and so I was inspired to do just that with the How I Healed It Podcast. We need to hear the stories of those who have healed to keep us fighting for our own healing. Let's stay encouraged together and heal together. Megan Deming Plantfully Megan |